It’s the New Year. Right on time, as usual. I bet you are planning your New Year’s resolutions. After all, it’s a great time to reset and look forward to the future. That’s why it’s important to choose resolutions that will help us grow and take care of ourselves. Instead of losing a certain amount of weight or giving up specific foods, which can be hard to reach and stressful, let’s try a new approach to making resolutions.

Here are three simple yet empowering New Year’s resolutions that will help you enjoy your health journey, no matter where you are starting from.

  1. Give yourself permission to enjoy all foods. When we tell ourselves we cannot have a certain type of food, we often crave it stronger than before. Allowing ourselves to try a variety of foods, without guilt, helps satisfy our taste buds, stomach, and brain.
  2. Reframe negative self-talk. Have you heard of the saying, “Turn that frown upside down”? The same idea applies to those mean words we sometimes say to ourselves – turn them into pep talks! Here are some examples:
    This is really hard and I want to quit. —> I am trying my best, I deserve this opportunity.
    I wish I had muscles like him. —> I can appreciate someone’s features without comparing myself.
    I’m just too tired to keep up. —> I am doing at a good job at learning when I need rest.
  3. Be your own version of health and worry less about the number on the scale. Some changes in weight from year to year and even throughout the day are normal. There are many factors outside of our control that affect weight, including family genetics, body hormones and age.

Yet, reaching a certain weight is a popular resolution because many of us want to feel and look healthy. The truth is, there’s no one look, feel or number to health. This year, focus on the healthy behaviors you enjoy and give thanks to yourself. If hiking makes you feel strong, thank your legs for carrying you. If meditating calms you, give yourself a quiet space.

Goodbye 2020, it was a long and hard year. Let us start 2021 as a chance to lift ourselves up and encourage others to do the same.