Who CAP Helps Serve

Facts and data on neighbors we serve through Community Assistance Program.

Houston Food Bank is a resource for individuals and families in times of hardship. Hundreds of thousands of people count on the organization and its Partners for more than 150 million nutritious meals annually. In addition to distributing food, the Houston Food Bank also provides programs and services aimed at helping families achieve long-term stability including nutrition education, job training, health management, and help in securing state-funded assistance.

Hunger is everywhere.

Our neighbors experiencing food insecurity have a lack of consistent access to enough nutritious food to fuel a regularly healthy lifestyle, often due to limited financial resources.  Of those we serve:

  • 97% of our food insecure neighbors have housing
  • Two-thirds of food insecure families have at least one working adult.





Information based on data provided for FY22 (July 2021 – June 2022)

Telling your story can inspire action – through donations, volunteering, or advocacy.

Your stories and lived experiences with hunger and food insecurity not only help educate others about the challenging effects of not having access to enough food, but also help Houston Food Bank provide food for better lives.

If you would like to share your story, please email submitastory@houstonfoodbank.org

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

For questions regarding SNAP application assistance, please call our helpline:
